A.M. Hills
The A. M. Hills Legacy Society, established in 2000, was founded as a recognition club to honor those alumni and friends who wished to continue their ‘legacies’ in academic or athletic excellence by making a minimum estate gift of $10,000 to Southern Nazarene University through bequests, life income gifts, insurance policies, retirement accounts and other estate planning vehicles.
A. M. Hills, original President of Texas Holiness University from which SNU claims her founding in 1899, was exceptionally well educated for his times. He was an experienced educator, a respected author and known as a successful Holiness evangelist.
But more importantly – Dr. Hills was a ‘man of vision.’ In May 1899, he wrote
‘I have accepted the presidency of a thirty-seven acre cow pasture with a multitude of briars, centipedes, scorpions and blacksnakes thrown in for good measure, and one student, Will Huff.’ He continued, ‘The board did not have a dollar in money or a board or brick. Yet, we should not despise the day of small things.’
Since those humble beginnings, thousands of students have attended SNU, and one thousand individuals have named SNU in the estate plans for past or future remainders.
Alumni and friends who are leaving their legacy to SNU in their estate and financial plans will fulfill their philanthropic goals by providing a Christ-centered education for students desiring a ‘value-added education’, help the university construct buildings, increase its endowment and provide for the ongoing needs of faculty and programs. Membership in the A.M. Hills Legacy Society is one way that SNU expressed its appreciation to these important supporters.
Benefits of Membership
The greatest benefit of belonging to the Legacy Society is the satisfaction of knowing that your long-range plans will help continue your personal legacy, name and values, while helping future students receive an excellent education in a Christian environment. As a member, you will also receive these special benefits:
- A specially designed membership certificate
- A permanent ‘leaf’ on the Society’s “Recognition Tree’ located in the Hearth Room of the Marchant Center
- Listing in the Society’s membership roster (only with your permission)
- Invitation to the annual Scholarship recognition dinner and other University events
- Personal knowledge that YOUR decision will ‘transform’ an SNU student’s life
Requirements for Membership
You become a member of the society when you indicate in writing that you have made an estate gift to SNU. Some gifts that qualify you for membership are:
- Making a bequest in a will or trust.
- Creating a life income gift that will ultimately benefit the University.
- Naming the University as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
- Naming SNU as a beneficiary of an IRA or other retirement plan.
- Naming the University as owner of real estate or mineral rights.
- Many other gifts may qualify as well.
Designation of Legacy Gifts
Bequests and other gifts may be made to SNU for any stated purpose or for the general purposes of the University without restrictions. In addition, contractual agreements for named endowments may be established in advance in honor of the donor or other individuals, if desired. Contact Heather Fairbanks, hfairbanks@yopin365.com for materials.
How to Join
To join the A.M. Hills Legacy Society, please complete the enrollment form below or contact Heather Fairbanks, Associate Vice President for Advancement, Southern Nazarene University, directly via hfairbanks@yopin365.com or by calling 405-491-6617.